Finding Friendliness

Coming into this assignment, I could’ve sworn I would be a happier, friendlier person on the weekend, but the data doesn’t lie. In fact, on one of the worst days of the week, Monday, I turned out to be the nicest. Perhaps there is some reverse psychology behind that fact.

Throughout this assignment, an issue I found with the data was that it may not actually calculate my friendliness. Sure, I may have started a conversation with someone, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it was a friendly conversation. Many of my “thank yous” were said out of social necessity, not just because I felt very amiable. Also, giving someone a hug, at least in my book, isn’t a gesture of friendliness, but more of a gesture of intimacy. So while the data I collected gave a broad scope idea of how nice I was on a given day, I would definitely make some changes if I were to do this again. It gave me insight into what makes me a friendly person, as opposed to others.


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